IAH Terminal Redevelopment Program
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Client Information
Project Budget
$2.5 Billion
Building Size
In 2014, the Houston Airport System (HAS) identified a significant need for the development of additional facilities at IAH to handle aircraft, passengers, and cargo departing to, and arriving from, domestic and international destinations on scheduled and chartered flights. HAS undertook a major capital improvement program, known as the IAH Terminal Redevelopment Program.
Construction of the New Mickey Leland International Terminal (It is reported this scope of Work is being reprogramed and downsized), New CBIS for the International Terminal, Roadway Improvement, Major Utility Upgrade Program, Restoration of Apron (Non-Operational Area), Renovation and expansion of the FIS (Federal Inspection Station), Contraction of New Administration Office to be used as Program Management Offices for the duration of the program.
The Mickey Leland International Terminal (IAH Terminal D), which serves international flights, is at capacity during peak hours and exceeds capacity four to five weeks of the year. Prior to the ITRP, only minor cosmetic improvements had been made to the terminal since its opening in 1990, while the passenger traffic has almost quadrupled.
The Architect of Record is Fentress

Final Results
The international terminal complex will accommodate Houston operations for more than a dozen foreign flag carriers and United Airlines’ international service. All gates will accommodate international growth trends from air carriers, such as their need for gates that are capable of handling large Group VI aircraft. IAH is the nation’s eighth-busiest international gateway and the completion of ITRP will allow IAH to remain competitive with similarly-sized airports and respond to the growth in international traffic.